Skip Palenik Locard Award presenetation featured in ASTEE Journal

Skip Palenik receives 2014 Locard award.

Skip Palenik receives 2014 Locard award.

Special thanks to the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners for featuring the 2013 Locard Award presentation made to Skip Palenik at the ASTEE banquet in Seattle Washington at the Annual American Academy of Forensic Sciences.

A portion of the award presentation featured in the journal is a message from the President of ASTEE, Andrew Bowen (United States Postal Service Forensic Laboratory) (link) (ASTEE Journal, June 2014).

The American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners presents the Edmond Locard Award for Excellence in Trace Evidence annually to acknowledge deserving individuals who have made significant contributions to the field.  The American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners is an organization composed of over 350 professionals in the field of trace evidence with members that include students, professors, forensic practitioners, and others from America and nations around the world to:

1. Encourage the exchange and dissemination of ideas and information within the field of trace evidence through improving contacts between persons and laboratories engaged in trace evidence analysis.

2. Stimulate research and the development of new and/or improved scientific techniques for forensic trace applications.

3. Promote high standards of performance and professional ethics, and to acknowledge persons working in the recognized forensic science field of trace evidence.

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