Microscopic Traces: Solving Real World Problems with Science

On Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 Dr. Christopher Palenik will present a talk to the Forensic Science Program at Loyola University in Chicago entitled, “Microscopic Traces: Solving Real World Problems with Science.” This talk is part of Loyola’s Forensic Experts Seminar Series 2024, which aims to expand student exposure to forensic-related topics beyond those found in coursework. Dr. Palenik’s talk will explore the role of the microscope in forensic investigations and the range of problems and disciplines with which it can assist.

For more information about this talk and the program, click here.


This talk will take a look at the world around us through the lens of a microscope.  Beyond the visual, a microscopic view can provide clues and solutions to a wide array of problems in fields as varied as forensic science, art authentication, animal cruelty, patent litigation, explosions, food contamination, and product failures.  Through a variety of colorful case examples, the audience will gain news insights into the way science, applied through a microscope and microanalysis, can contribute to societally relevant questions.

Forensic Experts Seminar Series

The Forensic Science Program at Loyola aims to introduce students to a broad range of forensic-related topics and prepare them for careers in a variety of settings.  This program hosts a Forensic Expert Seminar Series to expand student exposure beyond coursework.  Speakers are experts in their respective forensic disciplines and related fields.  Topics range from forensic research to case studies, from expert witness testimony to opioid death and other current events.  

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