Is That Fake Fur On Your Coat Really Fake?

Lisa Guerrero (2010) Is That Fake Fur On Your Coat Really Fake?. Inside Edition.

Aired on: 11/24/2010

Featuring the identification of animal hairs in allegedely “faux” furs by Microtrace.

“Many Americans wouldn’t be caught dead wearing real fur, but they have no problem wearing fake fur.

To the untrained eye, fake (or faux) fur certainly looks and even feels like the real thing.

However, sometimes things can be deceiving. INSIDE EDITION’s investigation found that when you buy a winter coat or jacket, or anything with a fur trim, and you think it’s fake fur, it may turn out to actually be from an animal.

Pierre Grzybowski investigates fur clothing for the Humane Society of the United States. He went shopping with INSIDE EDITION’s Lisa Guerrero in New York City to check out some jackets sold as fake fur.”

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