Discoveries in American Art looks at Microtrace’s Contributions to the Art World

Discoveries in American Art recently took a look at some of Microtrace’s contributions to the art world. Whether establishing provenance or uncovering forgeries, our scientists have been called upon to examine paintings and sculptures, created with a diverse variety of media, from the ancient to the modern eras. The results have been fascinating, but once, the consequences were tragic.

From the article:

“[Microtrace’s] reputation for quality microanalysis goes back decades… Forensic analysis of fine art is at such a high level that it’s virtually impossible to slip a forgery by a team like Microtrace.

“This is not your ordinary laboratory because they know that every case can present unique problems. Their team of experts has experience with almost every type of material found on the planet — from organic to inorganic, from natural to man-made, from solid to liquid to volatile. In the fine arts, they collect samples of both the pigments and their ground and analyze their microscopic and nanoscopic properties. In addition to the identification of pigments and binders this includes the composition of every type of fine art ground material or support, including fibers of a canvas, cotton, wood, cardboard, paper, or even synthetics. They employ an arsenal of tests for examining these materials, isolating and analyzing incredibly small particles. Then they interpret the subtle microscopical, chemical, and elemental differences and report on the significance of the results in comparison with those materials that have been verified as having been used by the artist.”

We encourage you to read the whole article here.

Discoveries in American Art

A leading publication for art discoveries & rediscoveries, Discoveries in American Art (DIAA) fills the special niche of exploring the lives and works of artists who were marginalized or who slipped through the cracks of art history — always for fascinating reasons. Along the way, it highlights some emerging and mid-career talents that the Curatorial Board sees as shining brightly.

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