Broadcast featuring Microtrace wins National Press Club Award

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A television broadcast, featuring Microtrace scientists and their analysis, has won an honorable mention in the National Press Club’s annual journalism contest.

In December of 2014 Microtrace was featured on NBC’s The Today Show in an investigative report on “Faux Fur.” The segment, which featured Microtrace scientists Chris Palenik and Jason Beckert, was the result of a several months long investigation by NBC News.  It revealed that some of the country’s biggest retailers were passing off garments labeled and advertised as containing “faux fur,” but which were actually made from the fur of real animals, including rabbits and coyotes.

The report drew a strong reaction. Major retailers and suppliers told NBC they would take steps to prevent this from happening again, with one retailer even pulling their entire line of real fur products as well.

The investigation won its award in the Ann Cottrell Free Animal Reporting category for broadcasts.

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